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Home of Queen Camilla and the Volsci capital, this was born out of the destruction of Privernum (329 a.C.), which stood at Mezzagosto, on the plain crossed by the Amaseno river, now an archaeological site. The old mediaeval centre is arranged in a circle around the main square with the Cathedral of St. Maria and the Town Hall. Other works of his-toric interest area Palazzo Antonelli, part of the defence walls with the gates, palaces and tower-houses incorporated in the urban fabric and external towers. Religious buyildings include the above mentioned Cathedral, which conserves a skull thought to be of St. Thomas of Aquinas, the churches of St. Tommaso, with the convent of St.Antonio Abate, os SS.Cristoforo e Vito, of Madonna della Stella, of St.Giovanni Evangelista, of St.Benedetto, of S.Nicola, of S.Lucia and the former monastery complex of S.Chiara. The Bishop’s Palace now houses the Archaeological Museum. Below the town is the cas-tle of St.Martino, where the museum Della Matematica “Giochiamo all’infinito” is housed . A few kilometres from Priverno, towards the south, along the S.S. 609 way, is Borgo di Fossanova with the abbey of the same name which is a prime example of Cis-tercian-gothic architecture in Italy and an absolute masterpiece, and the Mediaeval mu-seum. Priverno is known for its artichokes, pickled or preserved in oil, and above all for its buffalo mozzarella cheese and the falia (typical kind of bread)


La Riviera d'Ulisse - Ente Turistico di Terzo Settore
Servizio IAT - Informazione ed Assistenza al Turista
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