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Itri links the Monti Ausoni and Aurunci and is situated at a height of 170 metres on the slopes of the latter. It has a small stretch of coastal territory. The oldest and most interest-ing settlement, with dwellings in pyramidal groups round the castle, lies on the Colle St.Angelo. The most modern centre is situated on the plain, along the Appian Way, of which some sections can still be seen, as well as funerary monuments and strong retaining walls. Preciou straces or the mediaeval period remain in the majestic castle, recently restored and clearly visible from the road. Other monuments worthy of note are the churches of St.Michele Arcangelo, with its fine bell-tower and the Annunziata. Ten ki-lometres or so from Itri, on Mt.Fusco (670 m.), overlooking the sweeping panorama of hills and sea, stands the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Cività, the object of numerous pilgrimages and containing many ex-votos. The famous bandit Michele Pezza, known as Fra’ Diavolo, was born at Itri and a museum is dedicate to him and to the brigandage in Corso Appio Claudio. A large expanse of olive groves makes this ancient place a produc-er of excellent quality of olives and oil, celebrated with a festival in August. The feast of the Madonna della Civita and the “Infiorata” procession, held for Corpus Christi are par-ticularly popular.


La Riviera d'Ulisse - Ente Turistico di Terzo Settore
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